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dreamwake |  Novel, 399 pages – 2020: © Sylvie Bantle




















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"dream awake" (novel, 2020, 399 p.)



Flora, a successful fashion artist, wakes up one morning in a gigantic house in the middle of the sea. That's the whole world! And that's how it's always been. But the view out of the window scares her. The familiar order, their familiar life becomes a tormenting farce. 


What is that? A dream, intuition, sparks of inspiration from a distant world, a wormhole into which she was sucked, and seconds later, she was spat out with a cosmos of memories? 


Driven by the search for an explanation, the protagonist Flora wanders through landscapes that don't exist as soon as she opens her eyes. In the brain cinema, everything is possible day and night - which world is real? Torn between suspicions, self-doubt and the perception of a bizarre everyday life, she juggles through the labyrinth of her new strangeness, constantly investigating whether she is stuck in a nightmare, unable to wake up, or whether she has just slept for a very long time and has just woken up.


The crisis of confusion is a classic symptom - the strenuous phase of transformation. Flora is just going through the middle of her life. The veils fall from their eyes; what they see frightens them. 


By chance, she comes across her old diaries and dream recordings. An inner journey is set in motion, and the strenuous question unfolds: where does the inside end, and where does the outside begin? The lines blur as Flora dives deeper into her night side and discovers the other half of her being. Much is seen and known there before it arrives in the head. In the pool of her own words, she encounters the inner voice. Persistence in listening to her eventually leads to the right place. 


traumwach interweaves the inner and outer world and alternates between dreams and day-to-day events. For this, the author draws from her dream recordings. 


Softening the boundaries, which only exist in mind, the novel deals with a condition of existence in which one is flooded with promises for sale, even getting into confusing distress where one's salvation is at stake. The primal knowledge that all the answers and solutions lie within you is systematically trained out of you for the good of the corporations. The independence and personal responsibility of the individual are undesirable because third parties cannot exploit them. That's why there is no PR here. The effort to turn oneself and engage in an area everyone owns and cannot be bought remains a personal secret. 


The present now knows everything from spiritual enlightenment to quantum leaps. And even more numerous offers from saviours lure consumers to achieve success, identity, healing and happiness even faster with constantly new techniques and tricks. At the same time, the political reality against the backdrop of climate and economic collapse, exploitation, chronic warlike conflicts and dangers is more contagious. Exciter is designed like a bizarre parallel world. Those who still have independent alert sensors cannot get rid of the discomfort. Has a fear of yourself become too great to face it heroically? Purpose-oriented mechanisms thrive under the dictates of progress, infecting private life. Interpersonal encounters atrophy to hygienically elegant styling of isolation. The inhabitant of an artificial world has lost his relationship with himself, his contact with his neighbour and the environment is illusory, and the animating memory of the natural landscape is no longer accessible. 


In traumwach, the scenario is exaggerated as a colossal house in the sea. It has 12 floors, but the floor is No.12, and the top is No.1. Everyone wants to go up; it's the glorified goal. According to the respective qualities of the 12 zodiac signs, 12 chapters lead through the novel. 


The only remaining natural landscape is the wide sea, which the numerous residents of the house only register as a usual view. Those who live at the bottom recognize the sea as the source of all life. There still exists the consciousness of freedom. On the horizon, they are looking for the adventure of a new beginning with the help of whales and dolphins with whom they have communicated for a long time. 


The mid-life crisis challenges people to reflect and make a correction or a new beginning for the rest of their lives. At the same time, the point in time contains the cosmically supporting source of power to dare to take steps towards change. The protagonist Flora reluctantly follows this call, which calls her small, deadlocked everyday life into question. Finding the right thing - the right thing for her - is tedious and lonely. Because their usual environment seems to belong to a different dimension of perception and cannot support them on their journey. 


There is no question that the present is in a major global crisis. This challenge is not unlike that of a midlife crisis. The time is ripe for a habit strike at all levels. The great journey cannot be consumed because one can only embark on it alone: Into one's inner realm! Listen to the dreams! The dreamer is the soul's ear, voice, and dream. Flora follows her and finally finds her way to the 12th floor, where she falls in love with the singer Camill ...






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Hitler's Tears | Novel, 289 pages – 2016 © Sylvie Bantle

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Hitler's tears (novel, 2016, 289 p.)

The family is the smallest cell of society! As if under a microscope, the mechanisms of the large system can be seen there. Enemy images and scapegoats are artificial phantoms created for the purpose of shifting guilt, thus refusing self-reflection. Practised in the family clueless, the powerful use this tactic for their manipulation strategies to plunder the world profitably and take responsibility As in the big, so in the small …

A healing process can only start from the smallest cell to stop the wheel of greed and cruelty. Self-exploration demands of every individual nothing less than the heroic path. Because peaceful coexistence requires this great challenge to meet one's own wounds and to find the potential for empathy in them...

The history:
In her late forties, the artist Klio was confronted with the diagnosis of breast cancer. According to the doctor, there was no reason for it, it was just bad luck. But the inner voice rebels: You are suffering from a trauma!

Where is the root of evil? The memory shows violence and abuse by the father, and the inaction of the helpless mother. Those were nunmal the educational methods! In this jargon, tormenting is generally trivialized. It seems that others know the secret of forgetting. Klio's illness is the inability to forget. Nevertheless, wherever she looks, she recognizes symptoms of the wound in her parents, siblings, friends, and their parents. And world events demonstrate daily what people look like: violence, cruelty, degradation, and war.

Rolling up one's own family history as a self-healing measure is considered taboo. But Klio wants to break it: Uncensored!

The spiral of self-exploration leads them into inhospitable areas full of black holes, in which the forbidden emotions hide. Following in the footsteps of the unforgotten, she digs into the past to her roots. There are the ancestors, there is the culture that brought them forth, there are the wars, there is the history of their homeland, which went through peace and crises  similar to them even on their personal life journey.

Cancer is God's kiss, says the homeopath. Shivering, Klio understands what fate is asking her to do: heal. That means the lost soul parts are looking for themselves. And she suspects that the dismemberment reminds us of nothing less than the heroic path. Anyone who has experienced hell has to go back. There the child souls of the living and the dead  wander through the darkness, waiting for light to finally fall on them. There Klio encountered his own and other people's plight - parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, artists, rulers, those without rights, Jews, the rich, the poor, and also the desperate child, Hitler had once been.

How are monsters formed? The small fan out into the big, where the unreflected misery of each individual is revealed in world events. The family is the smallest cell of society! Emotions control actions, not reason is the engine of worldly gears. Behind every powerful figure of grandiosity, behind every superlative of end in itself and greed, behind every cruelty hides a humiliated child's soul. Too great  is the fear of meeting her. In the present, something has only apparently changed, methods adapt to the zeitgeist. The devil never comes in the same costume!Unbroken, the destructive energy that gains its power from   cast out emotions in black holes, even to potentiate seems with every generation. The Fourth Commandment makes emotional blindness possible. Whether on small or large stages, theater is eagerly acted out and lies are fleeing from one's own wounds. To this day banned from thinking and feeling for yourself. The child is not heard. In the mirror of the dark chapter of German history, Klio recognizes the totalitarian regime in her own family, which refuses to remember in the name of family happiness in a feigned perfect world._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


As surgeons excise her cancer, Klio disembodied  wanders through her story, which weaves into the great fabric of the past. It is said that in moments close to death, the entire film of life unwinds in front of the inner eye in a matter of seconds. The novel begins with Klios fear of death shortly before the operation and ends with waking up from the narcosis. What happens to the soul, to the spirit, when the body is switched off? Sobbing, Klio returns to life.The anesthesiologist did not do a good job.  she murmurs in the twilight - she speaks for the traumatized child. She brings a new feeling with her. The part of the split off inner child is with her and with him his long forgotten fear of death. For four decades they were imprisoned behind the impregnable fortress of dogma of family and society, whose commandments are: Forget! Do Not Enter!






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